6 Disadvantages of Smoking and Ways to Avoid - Dunya News Views


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6 Disadvantages of Smoking and Ways to Avoid

Six Disadvantages of Smoking and Ways to Get Rid of Smoke And the man who wanted to get rid of boredom turned his hand to tobacco. So even small children can see you holding a cigarette instead of a walking pen. Despite the awareness of cigarette prices, packet warnings and the dangers of smoking, smoking is the most popular way to spend time around the world. Sadly, we are the pioneers of Islamic society yet we and ours Why did the young generation suffer from indecent behavior?

Quitting smoking causes your health and age to increase. Below are some of the smoking cessation factors that some may know will try to quit smoking.

Disadvantages of smoking

2. Second-hand and third-hand smoke
According to the investigation, the harmful effects of second-hand smoke are also attributed to second-hand smoke, which is added to the smoke of those found near the smoker. And third-hand smoke is poisonous. Remaining bodies contain nicotine that clings to the surface of clothing and other objects. Second and third smokers cause respiratory infections and increase respiratory diseases. These include asthma, cancer, heart diseases, sleep. Irregularities of tobacco smoke are very dangerous, especially for children.

2- hypertension

Cigarette smoking has negative effects for hypertension patients A cigarette may increase blood pressure for a while. It is not yet known whether it contributes to maintaining a steady increase in blood pressure. Yes or no. However, it is a fact that in hypertensive patients, smoking is a normal risk factor. Hypertension itself is a serious risk factor, as well as smoking. Nicotine can be more dangerous.

2. Cholesterol

Nicotine increases the cholesterol and fatty acids in the blood, while in contrast it reduces the amount of useful cholesterol (HDL-high density cholesterol) in the blood. Gathering facilitates the development, thus increasing the incidence of angina, heart attack and leg gangrene.

1. Heart Attack

Nicotine also accelerates heart rate and affects heart performance. A packet (base cigarette) is three times more likely to have a heart attack than non-smokers. Increased cigarette intake will increase the risk of seriousness. And regular smokers (China smokers) have a sixfold higher risk of heart attack than non-smokers. But just 24 hours after quitting smoking, your risk of heart attack and blood pressure will gradually decrease. ہوجاتاہے۔

3. Oxygen depletion

The carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke combines with the hemoglobin of the blood to form a mixture of carboxy hemoglobin. This compound, like the pure hemoglobin, cannot absorb oxygen by transporting it to various parts of the body. Usually, the heart and the brain, especially oxygen, begin to lose oxygen. As a result of smoking, lung cells begin to break down and begin to make changes that lead to cancer. Smoking causes many more serious illnesses or If already, they increase their intensity in their mouth and back Hrun include cancer, Old braunkayts, respiratory disturbances and cardiac failure kanjystu.

2. Harmful to skin

Frequent movement of your lips to cigarettes not only causes wrinkles around your mouth, but according to the Archives of Dermatology research, smoking causes aging of the skin faster. Smoking breaks down the colon and further exfoliates your skin. Prevents elasticity and wrinkles in the skin. Smoking compresses the blood vessels so that the skin does not get the required amount of oxygen which affects the ability of the skin and the skin color is yellowish and dull. Tobacco smoke rapidly aging every part of your body, including your heart, Lung, skin and brain.

A few ways to get rid of smoking

It is beneficial for you to quit smoking. Humans are the only Ashraf al-Khattak who can do whatever they want. Just need to be mentally prepared.
2. If you have a smoking habit, stop using them and cut off the suction whenever they want. Or you can take a small amount of lemon juice, it will stop smoking.
1- Fry the fenugreek in a small frying pan and fill it in the vial whenever you want to smoke.
1- Ginger eating may relieve smoking habits

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